The program consists of 3 steps of self transformation:
1. Change and Purification from blocks, fears, limiting programs
2. Understanding your true nature and wishes of the Soul
3. Living the life out of uncontitional love
Each step leads to a new level of leadership at work and in life.
The individual heaing work and Acashic Records sessions are part of the advanced rate (for more information, see the rates section below).
Lesson 2. Fears (Individual, collective, environmental, ancestor, samskaras’)
Lesson 3. Emotions, feelings, desires, thoughts, words, choice
Lesson 4. Pride, Duty, Joy, Desires, Attachment, Guilt
Lesson 5. Development of feeling and sensitivity
Lesson 6. Inner Compass, Discernment, Support
Lesson 7. Flow Dance –body awareness
Lesson 8. Environment, Space, Information, People. Interaction with the Earth, Nature
Lesson 9. About self-love and interaction with the world, system, resources
Lesson 10. Someone else's opinion, loneliness, Dependence, attachment, rejection
Lesson 11. My Nature
Lesson 12. Ups and downs. Filling, fatigue. Compensation. Procrastination
Lesson 13. My comfort zone, Attitude to change, freedom to be yourself
Lesson 14. About the purpose and meaning of life
Lesson 15. How to connect the spiritual and material world
Lesson 16. I am the Leader
Have you ever faced a money problem? When there is no money, there is not enough, spending increases, money flows away quickly, it is hard to earn, you want more…
You have been suffering for a while, but then decided to look for the cause of the problem and, on the advice of friends, went to a psychologist.
Psychology says that most likely the relationship with money has been broken since childhood. There are fears, limitations, blocks. For example, the attitude of parents from childhood that "money can only be earned by a hard work" or "all rich people are crooks."
And you understand, yes it really is. And what's next? The psychologist suggests that you replace the settings with new ones, for example, "money is earned easily." You do, but the problems still remain.
Because psychology studies only the mental plane, our mental body, that is, our mind. But this is only one of the reasons.
In addition to the mind, what and how happens in our lives are influenced by:
1. Buddhist values are the values of the soul. They may imply that big money is not needed in this life, but all that is needed will come for specific actions, projects that respond to the soul. That is, in order for the money to come, you need to understand what the soul wants? Uniquely.
2. The causal plan - events in our lives. Everything that happens in our lives has been determined by our actions in this life and in the past. If you limited someone, you will be limited. You have deceived someone - you will be deceived.
3. Past lives. For example, in a previous life, he was a successful businessman who was killed during a robbery, and a fear of success and wealth was formed.
4. The family we came to. For example, there was dispossession, at the level of genes, this was reflected in the fear of money. Or one of the relatives was killed for money or placed in prison.
5. Energy blocks in the body. Trapped emotions. No matter how much you tell your head, there is a trace of fear in your body. The emotional body also needs to be cleansed of them.
6. There is no awareness of your value, skills, strengths and weaknesses - how then to set a price for services, choose a job, ask for a pay raise or a higher position?
It turns out that the problem of money cannot be solved by therapy with a psychologist and a marathon, you need to work at all these 6 levels at once. By eliminating only one cause, others will create a problem.
Therefore, the course "Leader of your life" is a comprehensive and fundamental. It is formed in such a way that work is carried out at all levels at once:
· mental
·working with generic programs
· for those who want to dive deeper, work with past lives
·we transfer knowledge about the law of karma, which affects the causal plane, about your destiny
· we help to gain self-worth
·we help to increase the life resource
✓15 lessons + express energetic scanning of blocking programs
✓3 months from the beginning of the course
✓Course chat with curators to answer questions
✓15 lessons + express energetic scanning of blocking programs
✓One individual energy healing session (2,5hours)
✓Three 30 min Q&A Calls every 2 weeks